Sunday, November 4, 2018

Vol.208: This is US

Spread the Outrage. Spread the Truth.

I must confess something. 
I find myself these days with a strong desire to choke a certain someone to death. 
I imagine my hands wrapped around his fake tanned neck as I watch his orange face sputter saliva and his blue eyes bulge while his blond toupee flutters about in the wind of his manic thrashes. 
It would be so very, very satisfying to see this happen. 
But it is only a dream. 
I wake up in a cold sweat. 
What have I become? What has he turned me into?

It is a daily struggle to remind yourself that there is much to be thankful for. The midterm elections are only two days away, which is a constant reminder that those advertising dollars would have been better spent on the poor and the homeless; if only we lived up to our values that we proudly declare for the world to see, but practicing is much more difficult than speaking; trust me.  

The political vitriol is venom for my veins. The volatility of the stock market's October swings lead me to believe that we are in for another couple of months, if not years of a wild ride. If the Democrats take back the House, then the subpoenas can rain down on the White House like snowballs from our youth onto suburb driven cars in the night. But will the #Metoo movement/Year of the Women be enough to do the trick and could they even possibly flip the Senate? The experts never saw our childish Supreme Leader taking office, so anything is possible. If that were to happen, the intensity of his tantrums would hit a level never conceived of. It's clear by his actions he knows what is at stake and is pulling out all the stops, doing whatever he can to fight off the hands of the special counsel, so that he doesn't see the inside of a jail cell. There was even a recent case of an inept alt-right member trying to pay women to state that special counsel Robert Mueller sexually harassed or violated them; straight out of the childish Supreme Leader's playbook.  Bribes for Lies Payoffs and bribes and hush money deals, the threat of lawsuits hand delivered by people in suits. He runs his organization like a mafioso and we all know his admiration for dictators, so it's easy to imagine that he'd love to see his face on billboards across America. His gold obsessed mansions and penthouse suites are adorned with self portraits. He's the textbook definition of a narcissist; it's not rocket science people.

It is another week, another mass shooting and the nothingness that will be done is commonplace as our country slips ever closer to madness. Another week, another episode of hate speech and the crime that is its' partner to the dance as we in the social media polarized world become more tribal with each demonic tweet. As a result of the largest disparity of wealth in the history of western civilization where 8 men own  more than that of over half of the world's population; the spread of Neo-Fascism is slinking around the world, from Eastern Europe to South America to our tantrum filled White House. The Men who own the World  It is no surprise that Anti-Semitism will never go away as there will always be sacrifices to be made; reason and common sense left the living rooms a long, long time ago. Can't you hear the goats of Mendes bey?? Maybe the Caravan coming to invade our country has some goats among them.

The free press is declared "The Enemy of the People," and if that's not a fascist leader's script, slap me in the face. There is the continuing war in Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan and a Washington Post journalist who was a critic of the Saudi regime was chopped to pieces in an embassy in Turkey and most likely dissolved in a large vat of acid. It's been over a month and no one has seen his body, but that's okay, we need their oil, so we will say harsh things and continue to do nothing. 

10 years ago, our economy was on a cliff. The financial experts and elected politicians told us that we had to bail out Wall Street in order to have a Main Street survive, and look how far we've come from the abyss. We have the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, 97 consecutive months of job growth and wages that are for once keeping pace with the much feared dragon of inflation. We have transgressed from our first elected African American President who brought us out of the darkness with coverage for pre-existing conditions to our childish Supreme Leader who was not wanted in a steel city where the latest AR-15 hate-filled tragedy unfolded. When was the last time an American city in a state that was won by the current President in the last election, didn't want him to visit? Unless they had semi-automatic machine guns in the 1800's, nothing comes to mind.

It is a fight against the daily news and the onslaught of political ads that run the risk of brainwashing the brain washable. There are so many lies, half-truths and distorted facts surrounding and bombarding us at every turn, it's enough to contemplate a life without television; the horror, oh the unspeakable horror, because there is so much good television out there. Have you seen The Americans?? Oh, the things that you can watch at your command, when all you have to do is pay a monthly fee.

The cost of health care continues to skyrocket and the dream of more competition is being sold like the farce it is. All you have to do is sprinkle some pixie dust, click your heels three times and honest competitive health insurance companies sprout out of the ground no matter the climate. But don't worry, one day everything will be owned by Jeff Bezos and there will be free shipping for everyone if you pay your monthly premiums.

At least our savings rate is going up.

In the end, it so simple...………………………………...

"We all do better, when we all do better." Wellstone

"We all do better, when we all do better." Wellstone

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Sunday, July 22, 2018

Vol.207: The Orange Turd is Absurd

                      Spread the Outrage. Spread the Truth.

[əbˈsərd, əbˈzərd]

  1. wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate.
    "the allegations are patently absurd" ·

Nothing about this is normal. Don't let anyone or anything try to tell you otherwise. What we have been watching happening without stuffing popcorn into our faces for many of us, right before our very eyes is historic, but not in a good way by any logical sense of measurement. It is absurd. Like the current trend of placing increased emphasis upon launch angles and exit velocity in baseball statistics, everything about this is absurd. We have danced around and through the essentials to obfuscate the facts with needless information. As a result, the cesspool of sloven depravity has grown with which the orange blob seems to blanket himself in as he slithers from podium to podium and interview to interview with mostly lobbed questions from reporters is unexplainable as is his ability to have escaped punishment these last thirty years.

Ladies and gentlemen twelve Russian intelligence officers have been indicted in the Mueller investigation that has been going on for over a year for their part in hacking the DCC and using other platforms of social media to erode our Democracy. Former campaign manager Paul Manafort is in solitary confinement, his partner Roger Stone is heading toward indictment, the Orange Blob's personal lawyer and mistress paymaster Michael Cohen is under investigation......etc., etc. This is not normal. It's absurd that no one in the Republican party is willing to do anything other than tweet their frustrations or give the upset soundbite as they meander from meeting to meeting throughout the bleached white halls of power. Ladies and gentlemen, they were willing to impeach William Jefferson Clinton for consensual oral sex with his intern, but the Orange Blob gets a free pass???!!!! It is clear to this Outraged mind that the Orange Blob is working on behalf of its handler, Vladimir Putin. If you simply do the math, everything that has been happening in and to the United States over the past two years benefits Russia more than any other country. Dividing the United States with subversive racism and blatant cronyism, destabilizing NATO, upsetting our allies, imposing tariffs, trying to work with North Korea and all of the while, what is still happening in Syria? The brutal regime that is held up by the former KGB front man; the same thing for the past seven years, misery. 

t's not normal for the leader of our country to meet with another foreign leader, one who was once head of their intelligence community, and discuss things without being recorded for over two hours. Only former President George W. Bush and his Vice-President Dick Cheney did that, although only to the 9-11 Commission, but that is another story that has been previously covered. Mr. Putin is the same principal leader that has been under investigation for meddling in our if not sacred than extremely expensive Presidential election of 2016 and all signs point to him to continuing to do so. It's not normal for our leader to stand side by side with another foreign leader and take their side over our own nation's intelligence community's assessment.

Were we as a country lulled in to a false sense of security with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the Soviet Union? Did we think that suddenly they were going to forgive and forget all of the years of confrontation and then disregard their own proud history and just begin anew? Did we really think we had no more enemies in the world? Ladies and gentlemen, our current President may be a Russian agent and has been for the past thirty years as they built up information on him while he used them as a lender of last resort for his flailing leisure empire.

Ladies and gentlemen, if we don't start working hard to fix the current mess we are in, accept the hard truths and admit we were screwed over in a historic way in 2016, there is not going to be an opportunity for us to abort the baby in the White House and the mess he's made. Lord knows they want to overturn Roe v. Wade. 

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Friday, March 30, 2018

Vol. 206: The March of Stable Genius Madness

                 Spread the Outrage. Spread the Truth.

Sister Jean!!!!!

It's the time of year when miracles are happening right before our very eyes. If you turn on the television over the weekends, you can bear witness to a 98 year old nun's prayers doing the best they can to push a team to the brink of a championship in the NCAA Basketball tournament. Then there is the madness that is running wild through the halls of the White House where our stable genius wears no clothes and is the healthiest President ever to inhabit the Oval Office. He's like a Greek God and we should almost feel guilty that we haven't thrown some hedonistic celebration in his honor. 

It is there, in the Oval Office where he sits like a naked cornered animal; the Cheeto in Chief lashing out at all of the fake news, Witch Hunts and former porn stars and playmates that have taken, refused and then given back his dirty money. Meanwhile, the sycophantic trolls of his inner circle keep revolving and the stench that continues to emanate from D.C is equally revolting due to the GOP's complicity in the matter.

It is within this chaotic sea-change atmosphere that Red lines have been drawn with crayons during his daily briefings that interrupt his Fox News viewing, thus delaying his next cabinet appointment. It is in these routine annoyances that the attention span of a five year old that holds the keys to the kingdom is a Brothers Grimm fairy tale gone insane. With the appointment of his favorite walrus on television and former Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, as his new National Security Advisor that rumors of war with Iran and North Korea lingers like the smoke coming from his ears as Robert Mueller tightens the noose of truth and decency around his bulging neck. All the while, the winds of discontent blow his toupee as he seethes to the fact that not one of his lovers will ever have been quite like his beautiful daughter.

"I am a Walrus, a war mongering Walrus."

Climate Change continues to be denied, the national parks continue to be raped and pillaged and Nor'easters in record numbers mess up travel plans.

Tariffs are imposed on the rising challenger of China and the world's economy convulses on a daily basis. Cryptocurrencies are no longer the stuff of fan-boys but now a version of petro-dollars from the destabilized country of Venezuela. Oh, how we long for the consistent days of Hugo Chavez and a President we once thought incompetent. Those were the days.

Syria continues to suffer at the hands of their despot and for seven years the world has done nothing to answer for his brutality because Russia holds sway over the destruction, and somebody needs to congratulate Vladimir on a job well done. It is clear that the United Nations can only do so much, and for that we say "Thank you for the land Rockefeller family," because in the end, it is turning out to be only that, land.

And the Children will lead us.

However, there is the glimmer of a brighter future out on the horizon, despite the horrible news, Spring has finally sprung and the birds are singing. There is a truth that greener pastures lie ahead and we can finally get outdoors on a regular basis without dancing around puddles and walking through slush. If we pay attention, then we are learning; if we can take something from the teenagers from Parkland and place our shoulders to the wheel, we can make a change for the better. We can live up to our creed, but we're going to need to work together and live the ideals of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Because religion isn't the problem, in the end, it's the religious that don't practice it.

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